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Meet DE's Lead Transportation Planner

"As a transportation planning professional I enjoy working with government, stakeholders, and residents to achieve the objectives of a high quality livable community, encouraging modal choice through accessibility and mobility enhancements, and planning safety improvements for all modes of transportation.

Also, as a father of a 7 year old who is beginning to ride a bike, the son of aging parents, and as someone who suffers occasionally with mobility issues, all of these come to mind while planning intersections and corridors so that the communities I serve can accommodate all users and their needs safely."  - Ross Liner, AICP, PTP

Ross speaking to residents of the City of Covington about Bogue Falaya Park upgrades that include bike, ped, and vehicle safety enhancements.

DE’s Transportation Planner, Ross Liner, AICP, PTP serves as a principal planner and project manager for local municipalities throughout Southeast Louisiana and for projects facilitated by the Regional Planning Commission.

A Professional Transportation Planner (PTP), Ross has over 16 years of experience leading transportation projects such as the Strategic Plan for Jefferson Parish Westbank; Hammond Bicycle Plan Feasibility Study; and Traffic Circulation, Parking, and Safety Study for Downtown Covington. Ross also served as a subject matter expert volunteer reviewer for the latest ITE Transportation Planning Handbook 4th Edition. His expertise in transportation planning covers several subject matters including travel demand analysis, planning for pedestrians and bicyclists, and corridor planning.