Want to know how to fund transportation safety projects in your community?
Since 2009, DE has successfully moved 34 LADOTD Safe Routes to School, Safe Routes to Public Places Program, and Local Road Safety Program projects across Louisiana to the bidding and construction phases.
Through the movement of these programs, year-in and year-out Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds are utilized for this program aimed at reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries as well as increasing pedestrian/bicyclist safety.
This is just one of several funding options available to you.
DE has partnered with local entities to help them navigate the various funding vehicles, the steps required to identify a potential project, and the approach to getting a safety project approved.
Let us help you improve access and increase safety in your communities. Our Transportation Division leads, Frank Liang, P.E., PTOE and David LeBreton, P.E., PTOE, PTP, have spent the past twelve years assisting LADOTD with safety programs as well as walking local entities through this process. They are passionate about making a safer Louisiana and together with you, will bring positive impacts to your community.
Frank Liang, P.E., PTOE / Transportation Division Director / fliang@deii.net / 504.909.1843
David LeBreton, P.E., PTOE, PTP / Transportation Division Assistant Director / dlebreton@deii.net / 504.430.0658
Written by Whitney Watson, CPSM