Civil Engineering

DE is seeking a Senior Project Manager for Water Resources

DE is seeking a Senior Project Manager for Water Resources

Are you eager to make a splash in the world of municipal infrastructure and play a pivotal role in shaping the communities we call home?

Kurt Evans named Fellow in the American Council of Engineering Companies


Digital's CEO, Kurt Evans, P.E., has been elected as a Fellow in the American Council of Engineering Companies. He joins the 300-plus Fellows who have been recognized in this way by their colleagues for contributions to the Council and the profession.

Kurt will be recognized along with other elected Fellows at the 2017 Fall Conference Awards Luncheon in Orlando, Florida. Join us in congratulating Kurt on this wonderful accomplishment!

Kurt Evans, P.E., FACEC

Kurt Evans, P.E., FACEC


DE's Rob Delaune Serves as a Leadership Panelist for ASCE Younger Members


On May 25th, ASCE Younger Members New Orleans Chapter hosted a member event that featured a leadership panel discussion and a question and answer session.

Several topics of discussion included the following: 

  • Career goals and challenges
  • Leadership and management
  • Business Development
  • Technical Development
  • Becoming a partner in a firm
  • Starting an engineering firm
  • Leadership in the public sector
  • Networking/client relations
  • Personal development and professionalism
  • Work/Life balance
  • Mentoring

The discussion provided insight to the attendees based on the leadership panel’s experiences.  Panelists were able to portray a message to the younger members regarding the next generation of engineering. Each panelist provided key takeaways for the upcoming generation and what emerging leaders should keep in mind as they gain experience (e.g., passing on of institutional knowledge) at the end of the session.

Panelists from left to right: Robert Delaune, P.E., Bob Mora, P.E., Kristi Mirambell, P.E., Chris Dunn, P.E., James Hance, P.E.

Panelists from left to right: Robert Delaune, P.E., Bob Mora, P.E., Kristi Mirambell, P.E., Chris Dunn, P.E., James Hance, P.E.


DE's Project is Setting for Mayor's Press Conference

DE is the design engineer for the St. Bernard Avenue Improvements (Filmore to Robert E. Lee) project that served as the backdrop for a press conference given late December by New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu and Cedric Grant, Executive Director of S&WB, that highlighted the City’s 2016 integrated infrastructure accomplishments.

The clip below is the press conference. Standing behind the Mayor and City officials are DE's Kurt Evans, Frank Liang, and Norman Bordes.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu and officials from the Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans and the New Orleans Department of Public Works highlighted the City's 2016 integrated infrastructure accomplishments.


Our work on the St. Bernard Avenue project included design for major reconstruction of the roadway including installation of new subsurface utilities (water, sewer, and drainage), concrete roadway paving, sidewalks, driveways, and ADA compliant ramps. The newly restored travel lanes also include a 5’ wide dedicated bike lane each direction, pedestrian crosswalk striping, and an on-street parking lane. Modifications were made to the traffic signal system at Robert E. Lee to facilitate the detours required during construction.

DE administered construction administration and resident inspection during construction phase for this project that was completed the end of December 2016.



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